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Life Coaching 365

'Ignite your heart and you ignite your life'

Life coaching is about YOU getting the best out of YOU.

As a life coach, my part is to be right there alongside you, enabling you, to unleash the gold on the inside of you, overcome obstacles along the way and launching you into the life you so desire.


It's to empower you to do the things you want to do, 365 days a year. Have you ever completed a course, felt inspired, but then it drops away? 365 course aims to equip and empower you to get back your motivation for life.

Why life coaching?

Life coaching aims to set you on a path of wellbeing through strategically planning the process of achieving your goals and desired outcomes.


  • Through accessing the tools that life coaching brings to empower you to activate the plans and put the wheels in motion.

  • Eliminating and overcoming any obstacles along the way.

  • Sessions online, or face to face. One hour with specific goal setting and targets

  • From 3 to 6 week programs or longer as needed.

  • Hourly rate or a set rate depending on length of time/weeks of coaching required. Flexible options.


Areas to focus on as examples:

* Personal growth and development

* Specific goals and dreams aspired to reach

* Building healthy Relationships

* Work, career, family - life balance.

* Financial tools for – Business/personal financial plans

* Health and wellbeing Body soul and spirit.

Whatever it is you desire to work on and achieve, the goal is getting the results and outcomes that align with a healthier and whole you.


Life coaching is an incredible tool that helps people move forward on their specific goals and dreams, overcome issues, working through any changes and implementing them to achieve the your desired outcomes.



Our Life coaching and wellbeing programs for groups: online programs and some face to face.

(See Covid19 guidelines for groups currently running programs online)


• Eat, Love Pray – 30 day women's wellbeing (online program)

• Confident woman Pro – 6 week group program

• The Master plan – 7 week Wellbeing group program


For costs and when they are on-  please contact Paula directly –



Image by Luis Quintero

Eat, Love, Pray - 30 Days of Wellbeing (Online Program)

30 days to Reset, renew and revive your wellbeing – Body, soul and spirit.

It’s about working on all 3 areas and being strengthened from the inside out.

* Building healthy new habits everyday

* Exercise workouts to strengthen your physical wellbeing with Amy as your Personal trainer

* Simple and healthy food menus every day that energise and restore

* Inspirational daily devotions that will reignite your heart

This means strengthening your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing and your spiritual wellbeing.

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Confident Woman Pro

Confident woman pro equips and empowers women, of all ages and stages to live strong and beautiful from the inside and out!

It’s all about knowing who you are and living out of your true identity.


One of the benefits of our group program’s is the community spirit and connection. Confident woman pro is a company of women who encourage, grow and cheer each other on. It’s a wonderful program to build connection and learn from each other as well as your own personal development journey.  

Image by Aaron Burden

The Master Plan

This a strategic 7 week program covers aspects of building the life you see!


Like building a home, a place to live and enjoy – we focus on the inside and the outside. From the atmosphere of your home, the lifestyle and the habits your build all make the home what is it and what it stands for. This parallels with the personal life we want to build.


Key aspects of the Master Plan includes:

Mastering our minds – building mindsets that enlarge our thinking.

Master our Emotions

Master our relationships

Master our financial abundance

Master our health and wellbeing.

‘Capturing the vision God has for you through knowing the promises of God.’


Faith and Healing - From the Inside Out

Working on our inner lives is key to having healing and wholeness in our mental and emotional wellbeing, our physical and aligning them with our spirit.

  • Above all else guard your Heart

  • RESET and REST - The power of Rest for our hearts

  • Renewing our hearts and minds

  • Overcoming fear and finding peace

  • Principles of faith and healing.

  • Never give up.


Inside out is a program participated in as an individual or within a group. We provide a safe environment of support and care that empowers and enables each person to navigate their own journey at their own pace.


If you want to know more about our programs or have any prayer requests, please send them here.

Get In Touch

5 Footmark Court, Wodonga

VIC 3690

Thanks for submitting!

Paula Connelly Association

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